Tips for a Students using Laundromats

If you’re a university student, hopefully your school accommodations are near a quality laundromat like Rainbow Laundry in San Jose. This way as a student you can quickly and easily take care of your laundry needs.

If you are new to doing your own laundry, there are few things you might like to know to help make your laundromat experience a pleasant one.

One of the selections that you may find on the commercial washers at your laundromat is the pre-set wash cycle. This is basically the automatic version for putting your clothes through the proper cycles. Pay attention to the spin cycle, which may give you a choice between a fast or slow spin. The fast is a good choice when you are using warm water for washing, as you would for your colored clothing, or the hot water, as you would for your whites. For wool or delicate items choose the slow spin cycle, as this is less aggressive on items which lose some of their strength when wet.

Make sure to find out what materials the majority of your clothes are made of. This will help you to be cautious so you won’t shrink your favorite items. Possible shrinkage can occur with natural fiber clothing like cotton, wool, or hemp, but should not be a problem with synthetic fibers.

Be careful not to over-wash or over-dry items that are made with materials that have some elasticity to them, as this can stretch the clothing out of its natural shape and make it look old and worn.

Don’t forget to check all of your pockets before putting the clothes into the washing machine! As a student some common items that may be left in your pockets are pens, your keys, or even a USB stick. You don’t want to have a pen burst during the wash cycle or losing the data from a damaged USB stick.

No doubt you have a busy schedule as a university student. You may pop your clothes into the washer and dash out to run a few errands. Just make sure you make it back by the time your clothes are done. This way, you can take them out and free up the machine for the next person. Using your local laundromat will make laundry day a breeze!

